Faster learning and faster success by our customised approach

best-practice-1Do standard Improvement Programs really help you achieve fast and lasting improvements?

NOT REALLY!…. We customise every program to your unique business situation and practices to be highly effective!…… So we spend a lot of time in getting to know you, your organisation and your business culture before we dare to propose any improvement program.

Because we use highly interactive and engaging formats in our customised Training Programs that reflect what your people do in your organisation, we first study your systems and tools. By fitting our programs to the real issues your people face they will engage easier and learn with more enthousiasme.

65 years of combined business experience and many happy clients prove that customisation to each unique situation is the fastest way to success!! …. WE ARE HAPPY TO PROVIDE REFERRALS!

We are able to understand your situation fast by using Diagnostic Tools that we have developed over many years.Vergrootglas 2

We use our own diagnostic tools that were developed over many years in business situations we encountered all over the world.

Whilst we work fast we take to understand what your operating environment is we do not want to cut corners.

Yes it takes some time but you’ll earn this back many times over by achieving more engagement by your management and your staff as they see and feel that we are tackling their daily problems. ….ASK FOR A DIAGNOSIS FREE OF CHARGE!


We use Experiental learning formats and an Expert System to engrain successful transfer of knowledge and skills!

Aristotle recognised what recent learning research has confirmed:

Doing Things is the most powerful method to Learn Things and Change Behaviours

  • We customise all exercises and role plays to fit the daily operating and market environment that your staff face and only after careful analysis and dialogue with you and your management team.
  • They learn to use our proprietary system and tools (Bespoke Expert System Tool = BEST©) that we have been developed over many years from experience in many large and small organisations.
  • Our systematic methods are providing structure to the critical activities of your sales staff and help them to become more effective and efficient. (LEAN)……….LET US PROVIDE YOU WITH EXAMPLES!

Do not let the learning stop! Let us help you create a culture of Continuous Improvement

Raise The Bar

You want your people to continue learning and applying best practice after we leave!

So we like to help you create an environment of Continuous Learning or Permanent Education where continuous improvement is a process that is embedded in your organization.

Our learning programs are not the “Beginning-of-the-End but….the End-of-the-Beginning”  of a journey during which we can support you with hands-on coaching, direct business support or in interim management roles.

Each client situation is different so every follow-up is too. We are determined and passionate to satisfy our clients’ needs with customized services……..LET US DEMONSTRATE TO YOU OUR PASSION!


Let us show you how we can help you imbed continuous improvement in your teams!